Il Bisonte is funding the Wildlife Conservation Society. Beyond New York zoos, a fantasy.
So, here’s a bison escaping from Central Park! From the Wildlife Conservation Society zoo. With a clumsy, two-step leap, back legs dangling over the fence. But with one ram of its horn it overturns a yellow cab, galloping down the boulevard.
Let the bison escape tonight! Escape from those who have inherited the blame for the disaster that has befallen its kind. Sixty million lives taken over a hundred years. And tonight, may the bison reach the descendants that have survived every animal disaster. To create a new Noah’s ark.
But without Noah at the helm. And not to be saved from a divine flood, but rather from man himself. From the disaster we have been causing in nature since before we could say industrialization and will continue to cause even after we say global. The bison heads west, the zoo is now just a memory.
This escape from Central Park is not from the film Madagascar, but rather a fantasy of our own. A pure animal dream. What the Wildlife Conservation Society tries to embody. For example, what did those animals see in future Manhattan when the colonists landed there in 1609?
The Mannahatta project – like a daydream – has tried to offer an ecological answer using digital tools. And there are a thousand other animal preservation projects. From the (very funny) dugongs from Madagascar (indeed) to that very American symbol, the bison.
Il Bisonte – we here in Florence – believe in the Wildlife Conservation Society and give concrete financial support to its dreams. Which are not really dreams when we take concrete actions, on a global scale, to compensate the voiceless subjects of forgotten disasters.