Il Bisonte’s active support for Orti Dipinti has begun. Florentine artisan excellence has turned its attention to an urban garden. And readers of the Journal know by now that this involves something more.
Support started with financing a new irrigation system. It’s the first phase of the collaboration between Orti Dipinti and Il Bisonte, and the finish line, beyond the plants, is nowhere to be seen. But everyone remembers the starting line: a torrid summer, when the seriousness of man’s relationship with water was evidenced all over the world.
It’s not enough to describe in words Giacomo’s happiness with his new “garden tool” when upon returning from a trip a few weeks ago he discovered that the plants were simply fine. He would need to touch this novelty firsthand. Or rather, not touch it with his feet.
Sorry, what? – Well yes. – What is this new system like? – It’s hanging. Suspended in midair. Clinging to the pergolas, patios, branches, and all the words in Italian that might remind us, on the Orti track, of cool summer shade. The plants are now automatically watered from above, using supports that were already there. Plus a few discreet others that were installed on purpose.
Essentially a hidden watering can. Hovering above everything, so as not to have pipes and tubes crowding the ground. – But cui prodest? – Huh? – Who benefits from this unencumbered space? – (1) Those in wheelchairs who won’t encounter barriers in the garden. (2) The children who, if they stumble, will do so over a softer root.
You all know this by now. And you can read it on the cover of the brand’s new publication. Go online to Il Bisonte’s «Magazine», or pick up a copy and leaf through it. And then come back to the «Journal» to discover the sophisticated technology of Giacomo’s new «garden tool».